I'm actually on my own blog for once. That hasn't happened in quite a long time. I've mostly been doing author interviews and hosting other authors on the blog, but today it is me. So, what am I going to write about? I've been asking myself that question for a couple of weeks. Instead of writing a thought provoking post, I'm just going to wing-it and tell you what's been going on this summer.
It's been BUSY! I've been working on the second book in the Sasha Bishop series. My goal is to have it finished in the next week or so. It's very close. In addition, I have been doing some editing for my publisher. That has been an exciting new venture. I really enjoy the author interviews I have conducted for this blog. It's great to get to know other writers and what makes them tick. Another new adventure is book reviews. I have done one on here and I did one on Goodreads. If you haven't checked out Susan B. James' Time and Forever or Beth Carter's Thursdays at Coconuts, then you are missing out on two great reads. I truly enjoyed them both and the review process.
While I've been doing all this book related work, I have also been working my regular day job. It's been hard, at times, to do both.
I recently got back from the RWA conference in New York. What a fabulous time. Fellow author, Kirby Keller went with me.
It was her first conference. Check back on August 15th, when Kirby writes a guest post about her experience.
Three other friends went to the conference with me. Sandy, Amanda, and Ruth, had a wonderful time

On Thursday night, my publisher, Soul Mate
Publishing, took their authors to dinner at Ellen's Stardust Diner. It was great to finally meet my fellow Soulies in person. Debby Gilbert is the owner of Soul Mate. She is wonderful to work with. In addition, I got to meet Char Chaffin, Cheryl Yeko, Susan B. James, Christina Kirby, Rebecca Neely, Angela Scavone, Annette Bower, and Linda O'Connor. I'm sure there are others and I apologize to those I forgot to mention.
I met with an Agent while at the conference. The meeting went well so we'll see what the future holds in that department. The one event I missed at the conference was the Awards Ceremony . . . I wasn't feeling well and stayed in my room with my friends.
The final news is that Travelers, book one in the Forest of the Mist series, is now available in PAPERBACK, as well as e-version. I will post buy links below. Awakening, book two, in the Forest of the Mist series, is up for presale and officially goes on sale at Amazon on August 12th.
Books by Carly Jordynn:
Are you still with me? If you are, leave a comment on the blog or on Facebook and I will enter you in a drawing to receive the e-book version of the first two books in the Forest of the Mist series, Travelers and Awakening.
So good seeing you there and so happy about your agent!!!